Tuesday 26 May 2015

warboys armada (mad max; fury road) war-rig: full vehicle nearly done


  1. This is incredible! I was searching online for references for the War Rig because I want to model it up myself and I came across your page. You've done an amazing job, and have managed to capture so much detail. Can't wait to see how the model progresses!

  2. Thank you very much Chelsea! It means alot!

    The finished model is actually in the post right after this one,
    I'm planning on finishing the models of the entire fleet before tackling their textures

    Do you have a blog aswell?
    I'd love to see your work!

  3. Oh my goodness... I just saw your all the other vehicles, they are amazing! And the finished War Rig - incredible. I have no idea how you've managed to capture so much realism in the models!

    I do have a blog but I'm no where near as good as you! You can find me at http://chelseamirus.tumblr.com/ :)

  4. I love your tank and watch!
    I can honestly say that youre much better than I was when I was starting out,
    when it comes to hard-surface modeling I'd say the ideal approach is meticulously crafting each piece and doing comparisons with their film counterparts as you go along.

    dual screen is a must, and I find having the second screen almost entirely covered with reference pictures/schematics is the ideal way to observe all details from any angle

    youre doing great so far so keep it up! :)

  5. Thankyou so much for the encouraging words! It's very kind of you :)

    And thanks for the tips - definitely very helpful!

  6. cool ! that's what software (sorry for the english I'm french)

  7. Would there be a way to transfer this 3D model onto Shapeways for 3D printing.

    Were this model available in 1:64 scale, I'd purchase it in a minute...
